
Download Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor
Download Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor

download Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor

To begin, the player must choose a specific element to be an adept of, either Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Mind, or Ether. Rather than having your standard set of spells, the game focused on having a variety of combinations, allowing the player to progress in their own style. However, if the player wanted to develop more strategy, some of the intensely powerful spells could make the combat a breeze, if only they could be discovered. If the player was more interested in the combat aspects, it could be played almost solely as a fantasy combat game. In what may be viewed as an extremely devious form of copy protection, the knowledge needed to craft the spells could only be obtained via reading the manual for clues and paying close attention to the characters in the game.

download Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor

This is made all the more dangerous by the fact that recipes are rarely, if ever, spelled out openly.

download Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor

While combining the right aspects can make powerful spells, slight deviations from these recipes often results in an instant kill. The game truly shows its age here with regards to the diffiulty curve. The time spent outside of the different realms is spent in the workshop, where the player can use different items to create new spells, or simply tweak existing ones. This game the player a chance to fight his way back. The game was somewhat forgiving here, teleporting the player to the Death Realm if they died in one of the higher realms. It's not the same click-happy design, though, relying more on thoughtful setup rather than furious mouse and keyboard action. Here, the player controls Robert in an isometric setting, similar to (though pre-dating) Diablo. Most of the action takes place in the different realms (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Ether, Mind, and Death). It deviates from the norm in its handling of the elements, though, including Ether and Mind along with the standard Earth, Air, Water, Fire elements. Valoria is a semi-standard fantasy setting, with magic, orcs, dragons, and so on. From there, you are conscripted by the wizard Garwayen to help save the world. It all begins when you receive a letter from an old relative asking you to travel to England and meet him at Stonehenge. In Spellcraft, you play as Robert, an average man who has been transported to the land of Valoria.

Download Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor